Saturday, March 20, 2010

What a fun Saturday

Emily ran into my room and nudged me saying"Mom! It is almost the middle of the day you need to get up!" I sat straight up fearng I had missed Emily's appointment. I looked at the clock and it was 6:15 in the morning. Emily was so excited to get her cast on she couldn't sleep.

We all went together to get her Hot pink cast on. Later we went to the movie to see Alvin and the Chipmunks #2. It was a fun day. We found Lauren an Easter Dress that is pretty and on a great sale.

Trent and I are playing our violins in church tomorrow and feel a little rusty. Trent always plays so well that I either listen to him and forget to put everything into my own playing or I listen to him and hear all the mistakes I am making. It is a tricky situation to be in.

We are all doing well, despite the broken wrist.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Yesterday the girls made a contraption "A Plank" that resulted in our first broken bone. Emily was testing it out and fell on her left wrist. She was very brave when we took her to the doctor. She has a splint now and will have a cast on Saturday. The radiologist gave her two stickers and a chocolate bar. She is feeling pretty special. She said on the way home "Mom since my arm is broken now you need to do everything for me because it is broken and I can't." "Oh Great!" is all I can say.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Today we were in the sporting goods store because Trent has found a wonderful new toy. He bought a full suspension bike. Trent took the scouts camping and wished he could stay home and ride his new bike. He is going to love it!
Kate and Emily were with us and they started lifting the weight on display. Kate had two 4lb weight and started to try to lift them over her head. "Oh Mom this is so heavy! It hurts my bwain!"
Today I ran 10 miles. It seemed to go on for an eternity on the treadmill at the gym. I usually do my long runs outside to help pass the time but Trent with the scouts. I was surprised how much mind over matter it took for me to finish. I finished with little soreness. The true test will be tomorow.