Sunday, February 7, 2010

It is 11:34 p.m. Kate is awake. She says "When I go to sweep I have a bad day." She took a nap in the late afternoon which guarantees a late night for me and the kid.

Today in church Emily in all her four year old glory had her legs crossed and her scriptures out for sharing time. At times she acts like she is 30. Today she said "Mom, after I turn five on the next day lets get me some shots and then the next day I will go to school." She wishes she grew up yesterday. This Christmas she played in her first recital and did a great job.

Rachel crinkles her nose and giggles. She loves school and her teacher and life and everything always. What more can we say. Rachel started the cello this year and has become very good at Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Can Can.

Lauren is getting so grown up despite what I say. She likes to cook and make any craft. Lauren likes her violin and Math and Science. She loves her teacher and always have great things to say about what she learned at school.

We are having fun here in our little yellow house. The weather is mild for a winter compared to Idaho and we love it. The girls wish always for more snow. They want to learn to ski because Trent is going so much this year finally and he sometimes brings me. It has been a fun Winter.

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